hey, honey

Honey - the very closest I prefer to get to bees. Once Tyler and I were on a bus and there was a bee flying around. I got so spooked that I made him get off and we walked all the way back to Queen Anne from the top of Denny way, I swear they smell fear...

Besides the insect situation - I love everything about it. Honey nut cheerios, honeycomb, Honey I Shrunk the Kids(I,II, III), etc. I started to wonder when I posted this if honey was vegan...and then I wikipedia-ed it which turned out to be a terrible idea because it involved some really terrifying diagrams of honey bees which I did not enjoy looking at. Then I found some seemingly amusing information that labeled bees as being 'enslaved.' What? Bee slaves? (Useless, right?) But yes, bees as slaves. Or it's dominionism, exploitation of nature, human superiority, whatever you like to call it. It's the whole idea that humans are justified in using all other life forms instrumentally, for our own benefit. The earth: the birds, the sun, the plants. were not made for humans. Why do we feel entitled to take it for our toast?

Either way, honey is bee vomit, and it tastes really good. The way I see it, you can't go through life feeling guilty every time you step on green grass or get in a car, it would just be too damn sad. The difference is intent.
I hope you enjoy the image, it was for an assignment called "clear glass."


  1. so one of these days angie is going to move out of my apartment and we're going to have a lot of big, white walls in the living room. just sayin.

  2. Did you know that some species of ant keep aphids and harvest their excrement?

    "An intimate, symbiotic relationship exists between ants and aphids. They are often compared to cattle, with the ants acting as protectors and ranchers. What aphids have that ants want is something called honeydew, a sweet substance that is excreted by aphids through their anus and contains surplus sugar from the aphid's diet. Ants protect aphid eggs during the winter, and carry the newly hatched aphids to new host plants, where the aphids feed on the leaves and the ants get a supply of honeydew."


    Aphid honeydew will not be on MY toast anytime soon, but I guess the ants like it. I prefer to get my sugar from Safeway.

    Nice photo.

    Unkel Lerry
